P-05-974 Ensure the technology of prosthetic limbs provided within the Welsh NHS is equal to the rest of the UK, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 10.11.20

Petition - Ensure the technology of prosthetic limbs provided within the Welsh NHS is equal to the rest of the UK.

Response following reply from Welsh Minister dated 2 November 2020 – ref VG/07255/20

What are your thoughts on the attached document?

Does it adequately address the issues that you raised?

The Minister has not addressed the issue and responded appropriately to the petition or the committee request. There is no commitment to a review date or an explanation of why the position is currently and has been for several years different in Wales.

The response is a reworking of the information submitted to the committee on 13 July and on responses made to my local AM in 2019 and 2020.

My belief is that the Minister should lead and request that the WHSSC review the policy and in doing so consider policies within the other nations of the UK. The review is four years overdue.  There should be some timescale and commitment. This requires political leadership.

To use the COVID19 pandemic as a reason to delay further is insensitive.

A review of the WHSSC meetings identifies that they are currently fulfilling their role.  COVID may slow response but a review of the policy could be put on the agenda for the next WHSSC meeting 26th January 2021.

Do you have further questions in response?

The Minister states ‘The provision of microprocessor knee (MPK) prostheses have been placed on WHSSC’s static list and will continue to be considered.’ This is not positive; is appears to be a continuation of delaying tactics and suggests a lack of understanding with no commitment to resolve this inequality. Clarification would be appreciated.

Additional comment

At the last petition review meeting it is was clearly demonstrated that the elected members understand and are frustrated that disabled residents of Wales are not equally treated when compared to the other Nations of the UK. 

Thank you to the committee from all supporters of the petition for the comments in the meeting and actions to date.  I am confident that with persistence we can achieve. This petition with wide support is an attempt on behalf of the disabled residents to provide some overdue equality.

David Bradley